
In this release, we have updated several report links and added some new functionality to make finding and using data easier and more efficient. We continue to emphasize efficiencies for remote teams and thank you for your support and feedback on how to improve our platform.


T-2544: Adjusted search functionality to allow reporting on Campaign workflows by Primary College

T-2605: Corrected deleted status of Campaign workflows for cleaner reporting


T-2499/2151: Corrected information on invoice for Customer #3


T-2551/2595: Adjusted Invention Disclosure and Footer for Customer #2

Multiple: Updated the following report links: Patent Reimbursement Variance; Line Item Variance; Expense

T-2568: Added IP Coordinator as a role that is searchable on Technologies

T-2004: Fixed bug in Notes for Start-up Pipeline

Multiple: Introduced iFrames to manage stored emails with links and images

T-2622: Fixed bug in Categories hierarchy to allow multiple levels


T-2472: Added “Number of Active License Agreements” to the Patent Schedule Report as a searchable field

T-2482: Added “Matter ID Number” to the header and Law Firm group entry on Patent record and made it a searchable field


In this general release, we have incorporated many updates and new features requested by customers in addition to some data fixes and bug repairs for specific functionality. We continue to prioritize our backlog around features that improve efficiency, reliability, and effectiveness for helping remote teams excel. Thank you for your support and feedback on how to improve our platform.


T-2453/ T-2465: Corrected reporting error for invoice payment when partial payment is applied to multiple invoices

T-2429: Adjusted Aged Receivables reporting error for customer #4 to align data properly

T-2567: Adjusted Invoice statuses for customer #2 (001940; 002068; 002129; 002203; and, 002343)


T-2267: Enabled bulk download of files attached to records using zip format

T-2401: Updated Notification alerts for all customers

T-2471: Fixed bug related to email hyperlinks and images

T-2490: Added Primary Attorney to the Patent Schedule Report

T-2493: Added taxonomy layer for Agreement Classifications for customer #4

T-2543: Expanded “To-Do” functionality to include a subject and note field.

T-2570: Fixed bug recording iEdison information

Legal Portal

T-2306: Fixed user access reset functionality for Legal Portal


T-2311: Added searchable field to Campaigns for “Date Slick Sent”



T-1885: Campaign Search filter now includes “Do Not Email/ Do Not Market” status

T-1889: Customer #3 Email campaign slick formatting corrected

T-1988: Campaign Search results export to Pivot Tables now fixed (reported by Customer #3


T-1946: Duplicate Payment error for Customer #1 has been fixed

T-1982: Customer #3 partial payment adjustment fixed

T-1993: Payments Search Page has been updated with links to accepted payments

T-2001: Users can now delete payments via the Payments Search Page

T-2002: Voided two invoices for Customer #2 and applied first payment as part of a payment plan


T-1875: New Notes Field on Pipeline cards saved to Asset Record

T-1915: New Pipeline Cards reference number refers to Asset Reference Number

T-1916: Pipeline Cards include the latest workflow item


T-1991: Reconfigured Header for Technologies records includes summary financial information about the Technology Asset


T-1877: Use Search-Matching to find Technologies based on Wish Lists provided by Tech Scouts. Upload a Word doc or paste text into the “Adhoc” window and use the Connections and Relevance Criteria to narrow results

T-1931 and T-1975: Updated LDAP settings to allow appropriate security and access settings (Customer #2)

T-1995: Updated Alt-Text settings to allow the proper description of images to be displayed and read.



T-1959: For Customer #2, Paid Line Items on Invoice 01505 are now marked as Paid.

T-1968: For Customer #4, Aged Receivables Report error is corrected.

T-1969: For Customer #4, Patent Reimbursement Variance error for Patent 014136 is corrected.

T-1970: Payments for Compliance Payment Plan Invoices marked as Reimbursement – Payment Plan can now be received (Customer #4)

T-1976: For Customer #4, Accepted Payments should be reflected correctly in Agreements A-005856-0004 and A-003100-0003BB

T-1979: To avoid duplicate payment records, make sure that the Payor has only one (1) active “Bill to” address in its Group record.


T-1928: Auto-fill in Search Agreement dropdown for Customer #3 now works correctly


T-1537: Just a reminder to all users— When sending emails into Innovate, make sure the exact record ID is included in the subject line (e.g. T-010600 or CA-010600). DO NOT use parentheses, quotation marks or other characters adjacent to the record ID.

T-1936: Customer #4 pivot table date formatting corrected.

T-1949: LDAP Library Compatibility now complete. Customers can control LDAP settings.

T-1973: For Customer #4, creating new users is authorized for administrators.


T-1914: Users can now add Campaign Cards to Pipelines

T-1912: Customer #4 requested to change the “Will Receive” column header to “Do Not Email” with the results of “Ok to Email,” “Do Not Email,” and “Do Not Market.”

T-1987: Customer #2 API for Joint-Lead Technologies has now been updated and should be visible.


T-1979: To avoid duplicate payment records, make sure that the Payor has only one (1) active “Bill to” address in its Group record.