The data in the dashboard report is a mix of financial information and record counts. By default, clicking on the dashboard provides data for the office for the current time period. The dashboard report also provides the period to date data for the previous fiscal year. Use the filters link in the top left corner to compare data for different time periods. The filters link is also where data for a specific college can be viewed instead of for the whole office. Clicking on the hyperlinked items will open a new window that displays the data supporting the values shown in the dashboard report.
- Month Data for the current month to date
- Current FY YTD Data for the fiscal year for the selected time period
- Previous FY YTD Data for the previous fiscal year for the selected time period
This allows users to compare where they are to the same period the year before to determine if they are meeting expectations.
- Licensing Revenue from Current FY Deals Licensing revenue for agreements with an effective date in the current fiscal year
- Licensing Revenue from Prior FY Deals Licensing revenue for agreements with an effective date prior to the current fiscal year
- Total Licensing Revenue Sum of the revenue from both prior year and current year agreements
- Patent Expenses and Reimbursements Sum of all posted legal expense payments and the reimbursement of expenses
- Total Distributions to Inventors, Colleges & Departments Sum of the payments made to inventors, colleges, and departments.
- Invention Disclosures Received by College/Office Sum of disclosures received
- Licensing Agreements Number of licensing agreements for the period
- Active Deals and Startups
- Contract Agreements
- Inventors
- New Inventor Count of creators where the submission date of invention is in the current fiscal year and the creator has not been named on other technologies prior to the current fiscal year.
- Repeat Inventor Creators that were on technologies from a previous FY
- New Inventions Received by Type
- Patent Filings
- Issued Patents