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- T-1583 People report – Remove the prefix “Inventor” from column headers and search fields
- T-1596 Voided Invoice Displayed in Compliance Section
- T-1661 Search page editing – Editing the deal source does not save when editing from the agreements search page
- T-1610 Related groups – When adding a group to a campaign, only add the people with a group-person type of “Marketing Contact”
- T-1650 Campaign Slicks – When adding a new campaign slick, display the company name for the “Marketing Contact” in the message
- T-1651 Reports – Include new type “Marketing Contact”
- T-1652 Added a status to marketing targets section so that contacts can be removed from communications without losing history
- T-1653 Enable outbound email messages from campaigns
- T-1654 Customer #3 Fix formatting in Campaign Slick Emails
- T-1604 Link to deals page returns and Invalid URL error message
- T-1446 Add distribution error message to check for variances when the amounts selected for distribution are not equal to the amount selected to distribute
- T-1657 Distributions – Amounts Cannot be Edited
- T-1592 Pipeline: Add Card/Detail View For Opportunities
- T-1594 Pipeline: Add Card/Detail View For Agreements
- T-1612 Pipelines: Change add card process: Search with Checkboxes
and add all selected
- T-1609 Add new group-person type “Marketing Contact”
- T-1495 Customer #4 – Updates to system in preparation for roll out of Innovator Portal
- T-1656 Customer #4 – Items Missing From Nav Bar
- T-1583 People report – Remove the prefix “Inventor” from column headers and search fields
- T-1465 Allow users to add additional payments to partially paid compliance items
- T-1581 Customer #3 – Duplicate non-invoice reference number being displayed in the financial compliance section of the agreement record
- T-1583 People report – Remove the prefix “Inventor” from column headers and search fields
- T-1662 Customer #3 – Update technology summary statuses to approved
- T-1075 Related agreements report – Add type and status to search options
- T-1185 Workflow reports – add agreement type and status
- T-1585 Report Request – Agreement people
- T-1605 Campaigns – Add workflow
- T-1554 Distribution schedules – Allow users to click on blocks in distribution schedules that are ready for approval & approved to view the details and make minor edits
- T-1539 Company Tech Interest Detail – Display the date of the last contact in summary in the workflow section for the person
- T-1540 Company Tech Interest Detail – Add “Add Technology” pop up box that allows users to search on Tech title, reference number, code name, primary manager, and primary innovator
- T-1541 Company Tech Interest Detail – Add “Add Workflow”
- T-1584 Company Tech Interest Detail – Move “Filter By:” box next “Results per Page” to save space
- T-1586 Company Interest Report – Move “Pending” above “Active”
- T-1589 Pipeline – Add Card/Detail View For Tech
- T-1590 Pipeline – Add Card/Detail View For Groups
- T-1591 Pipeline – Add Card/Detail View For Groups
- T-1607 Startups – Change label from Company Technology Interest to Company Interest to match terminology in the drop-down
- T-1608 Pipeline Technology Search – Tried searching for a technology and received an error that the memory was exceeded
- T-1579 Addresses – Rename “Group to Address Child Type” as “Related Address”
- T-1518 Fixed PDF button for customer #3
- T-1559 Deleted Type ID – Review All Environments for Deleted Items
- T-324 Patent schedule report – Include primary and secondary colleges and departments
- T-1526 Invoice date in the created line items should be the same date as the invoice sent date instead of the journal posted date unless it is a non-invoice receipt.
- T-1546 Same invoice numbers added twice when selecting multiple invoices to pay in “Add Reimbursement Invoice” page when there aren’t manually added line items
- T-1577 Customer #4 – New employee log-in issues
- T-337 Technology patent report – Add primary department
- T-1613 Technology to agreement report – Wrong link opens
- T-1658 Customer #2 – Innovators section still shows related people as inventors
- T-1527 Customer # 3 – Add a new agreement upload type
- T-1550 Customer #4 – Delete workflow items and types
- T-1503 Allow for searching specifically for marketing targets in a campaign as opposed to returning all people associated with the campaign record
- T-1536 Added workflow to campaigns
- T-1537 Customer #4 – Email to campaign issue when the campaign reference number does not have the correct format
- T-1558 Bug fix – Search box to search on campaign reference number in Campaign to Marketing Target and Tech does not work
- T-1566 Campaigns – Remove activity items, add workflow
- T-619 Customer #4 – Wrong chart of accounts added to line item in college payment accounts
- T-1458 Distribution schedule page – Adding a new group to the distribution schedule should only insert the group to the bottom of the schedule
- T-1476 Distribution page – when the “View Account Variance” link is clicked in the cost recovery block, the system is not searching on the unique technology id, but pulling in all that are a partial match.
- T-1487 Distribution Schedule – “Approved by” field not updated with the approver name
- T-1551 Un-deleted distribution line items items that were deleted in error for customer #4
- T-1483 Create a technology user matching view that allows for comparison of text rank items of a selected technology against the users text rank items, so that users can be located that have similarities with the selected technology
- T-1484 Allow for filtering the tech user matching view so potential evaluators that are most relevant are displayed
- T-1485 Allow for adding users as evaluators to the current technology based on the criteria specified, so that evaluators can be easily added to the technology.
- T-1486 Create a user technology matching view that allows for comparison of text rank items of a selected user against technology text rank items, so that technologies can be located that have similarities with the selected user.
- T-1528 Create link in classic groups detail page to link over to equity groups detail page, and create a link in equity groups detail page to go back to classic
- T-1529 Correct formatting issue in the capitalization report so that the columns are properly aligned
- T-1530 Funding continuum – use parent type of the source to put in the funding type vs. using the funding type column
- T-1531 Group funding – use the parent type for the pipeline rather than the market type that is currently there
- T-1532 Bug fix – interest drop down is not displaying the results
- T-1533 Add a link for technology matching in the startups menu
- T-1534 Add technology interest to startups menu
- T-1535 Bug fix – Clicking on the group reference number in the technology interest report opens the existing page instead of the group record
- T-1545 Customer #4 security module update
- T-1547 Update equity menu items
- T-1548 Technology matching – Add custom tags to search criteria
- T-1549 Add filters to company detail interest
- T-1552 Empty group components have no output – Display a “No results” message when the components have nothing to load.
- T-1461 Remove duplicate Admin Fee Payment account type from development and from customer #2’s system
- T-1507 Make line item reference numbers unique
- T-1580 Customer #2 Bulk Edit Feature Bug – Deleted line items restored
- T-1563 Customer #3 Bug Fix – Adding a new company results in an error message
- T-745 Fix the email import logic
- T-1459 Match up the system type and status ids to have deleted synced between deleted_at and status_id
- T-1423 Upon finishing a payment, the payments search that opens should only display results for the specific payment that was entered and not a partial match of the payment reference number.
- T-1494 Chart of accounts code is not getting added to the resulting line items
- T-1384 Replace the word “Inventor” with “Innovator” for all customers in the technology records and in related reports
- T-1522 Selected categories are not showing in header
- T-1525 Bug fix – Updating one workflow item adds the person updating the one item to all workflow items
- T-1490 Customer #3 does not have the Agreement Revenue Allocation Report displayed in their reports list
- T-1493 Assist customer #4 innovator with MTA request form submission
- T-1509 Dashboard wire frames and user stories
- T-1430 Settings: Manage Distribution Schedule Templates – Relabel “Copy Schedule” to “Copy Template”
- T-1431 Settings: Manage Distribution Schedule Templates – Upon deleting a template, page should reload to the template start page and not the technology search page
- T-1385 Make the current vue components current security aware. The vue components will be generated dynamically with the new side navigation.
- T-1386 Implement security
- T-1404 Add a generic note for people about what they are doing in the network
- T-1405 Add interest categories to technology matching report
- T-1406 Background check statuses
- T-1407 Make matching status editable on technology row
- T-1408 Add data room meta access representation to matching report
- T-1409 Add CDA meta representation to matching report
- T-1410 Matching report add background check meta representation
- T-1477 Technology-text rank scanning
- T-1478 User-text rank scanning
- T-1480 All-text rank scanning
- T-1482 Text ranking
- T-1488 Create a working side navigation menu
- T-1519 New group page security
- T-1520 Correct timeline component
- T-1392 Bug – Customer #3 reported that not all agreement reference numbers are displayed in line items search page
- T-1512 Assist customer #2 with generate invoices error message
- T-1513 Invoices – Relabel some of the columns to remove abbreviations and display the internal reference number in the reference number column
- T-1504 Assist customer #2 with the patent filing notification issues
- T-1429 Links to accept payments and payment search directed to new pages
- T-1456 Display error message when search results extensive: “The ‘All’ status option will display the first 1,000 results. Use a different status to filter the results further.”
- T-1508 Bug – Payments able to be finished when there is a variance between the amount on the start page and the resulting
- T-871 Bug – Email attachments not working in demo site
- T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1468 Recalculate campaign statistics hourly
- T-1469 Campaign Search – Change search options for primary college to check boxes
- T-1370 Send IIP keyword list to customer #2 for review
- T-1396 Separate “Validation” and “Impact”
- T-1399 Make keywords editable with an entry and removal for keywords
- T-1400 Group record dates – add “Removed from Portfolio”
- T-1401 Group record dates – add “added to startup portfolio date” and “removed from startup portfolio date”
- T-1402 Startup pipeline report – Export to Excel feature with one row per startup/tech combination or decompresses it into one row per grouping
- T-1411 New security level that removes access for anyone outside of the date ranges
- T-1413 Technology matching – page re-arrange the columns
- T-1414 Technology matching report – displays the technologies and who is evaluating the technology
- T-1489 Rename the Technology Matching report and all components and factories related to the report to Technology Interest report to make room for the new Technology Matching Report
- T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”in invoice record
- T-1438 Distributions bug – Importing people into a distribution schedule no longer works
- T-1443 Variance column relabeled to display which columns are used to calculate the variance
- T-1444 Distribution Aging – Distributed column should be a sum of the distribution line items in distribution accounts that have a journal date. Also add in a remaining to be paid amount which is the line items in distribution accounts that do not have a journal date.
- T-1460 Make line item reference numbers unique
- T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1439 Change group status list to use groups status instead of the user status list
- T-1515 Groups that were deleted with the with the wrong delete status were inadvertently linked to records (technologies, agreements)
- T-761 Added legal portal training documentation to the user guide for the law firms
- T-980 Provide test site URL and log-ins for customer #2
- T-1388 Remove x-(do not use) from customer #4’s list of system types
- T-1415 Fix CSS on some of the reports when class CSS was removed
- T-1433 Uploaded invoices not appearing in legal portal to approve for customer #4
- T-1498 Increased disk space for customer #2 due the reported issue that they couldn’t upload agreements to records in contracts
- T-1499 Increased disk space for customer #2 due the reported issue that users were unable to log-in
- T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1448 Allocation schedule not displayed in non-invoiced although it exists
- T-1455 Paid column not updated for Financial Compliance – Revenue invoices upon finalizing a payment
- T-1464 Bug – Accepting a payment and there is an error message “remaining amount does not equal 0” that appears until add .00 to the end of the amount field that creates line items and click save
- T-1524 Customer#4 Accept Payment Bug – Unexpected data found
- T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1201 Rename Inventor to Innovator in technology record and harmonize type lists for all customers
- Innovator – Primary, Internal = 498
- Innovator – Internal = 259
- Innovator – External = 835
- Submitted By
- Verified By
- Retire (Research- External) 3598 after moving all 3598 to 835
- Retire (Innovator – External) 3651 after moving all to 835
- T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
- T-1424 Customer #3 could not convert and IDF to a technology record, 8895 error
- T-1440 Update Technology People Report – allow for searches on all people groupings in the technology record
- T-1467 Bug – IDF Contribution % must be a whole number, now allows for 2 decimal places
- T-1333 Allocation % incorrect in the Agreement Revenue Allocation report
- T-1334 Groups page, sub relationship fix for funding tracking
- T-1393 Combine pipeline and source on the group funding source page
- T-1397 Add “State Grant” and “Other Grant”
- T-1398 Add “Debt” to type
- T-1445 Funding tracking backwards compatibility for sources
- T-1311 Distributions page bug – Distributed amount does not include admin fee value
- T-1331 Disable PDF generation and auto attachment of invoices upon finalizing
- T-1442 Line item search page not working
- T-1208 Remove duplicate group workflow reports for customer #4
- T-1447 Cannot change country
- T-1365 Clicking auto-apply does not properly allocate money to line items that are negative
- T-1379 Accept Payment Error – Non-Invoice
- T-1427 Default to open invoices in the revenue and reimbursement invoice search modal
- T-1428 Error message appears when attempting to enter a partial non-invoice payment related to compliance
- T-1436 Manually added line items – Default account to the same account from the invoice
- T-1449 Clicking on agreement reference number from summary page opens the agreement search page instead of the related agreement record
- T-1451 Not all active revenue types displayed in line item drop-down when testing with customer #4
- T-1452 Change circle shading to a darker color to show which page is currently open
- T-1457 “Amount not equal to zero” error message when the reimbursement invoice contains a negative line item
- T-1416 Search not working
- T-1191 Added time zones for accurate audit logging
- T-1280 Update LEDES settings link
- T-1441 Cannot manually a person to a technology
- T-1145 Payment information updated for corporate site
- T-1364 Hourly jobs running too frequently
- T-1389 My profile link fixed
- T-1390 Reported by customer #2 dashboard for startups is not working and pulling information correctly
- T-1417 Broken CSS for “New” log-in screen
- T-1418 LEDES upload issues related to customer #3
- T-1423 Email attachments
- T-792 Material Cost Recovery is missing as a compliance option for customer #3
- T-1153 Modify allocation schedule report
- Update this report to only show agreements where the the number of technologies and/or patents that are linked to that agreement is >0
- There is a revenue account that is not $0 (negative and positive)
- Display the ARAS to replace the Allocation Schedule Status
- Get rid of the calculated column at the end
- Add the regular allocation schedule status so that it is searchable
- T-1254 Agreement Reimbursement Report is rounding values, should be displaying the values from the agreement record
- T-1255 Bug – In the Agreement Reimbursement Report the technology links do not open the technology pages for IIA’s
- T-1257 Customer #2 reported that editing existing schedules on agreements with many techs is unresponsive
- T-1287 Bug – Clicking “edit” in the agreement header changes a “Yes, report to AUTM” to “No”
- T-1288 Agreement header drop-downs displaying deleted records that were merged
- T-1291 Reimbursement – Past appears in the Agreement-Person type list
- T-1310 Move deposit agreements in list to be nested under “Other” not “Licensing”
- T-1344 Bug – Manually entered a value in the amount received column of financial compliance section and it did not save
- T-1361 Cannot change the expiration date on agreements in development
- T-923 Removed “Technology Summary:” from the sidebar on email template #1
- T-924 Renamed template #2 “Tech Summary”
- T-925 Campaign header – Adjust “% Responded” so it is based on data and not “Yes/No”
- T-939 Fix so that adding a group brings over only active users with a group-person type “Employee of Company”
- T-962 Campaigns Search Page – Add primary college and agreements as another column for a user to search on and see
- T-963 Campaign to Marketing Targets – Add primary college and agreements as another column for a user to search on and see
- T-964 New report – Available in drop-down, Campaign to Technology
- T-965 New report – Available in drop-down, Campaign to Marketing Target and Tech
- T-981 Patents in marketing campaigns – Revised so that it pulls in any patents that are connected to the slick, no matter the status. Was originally only set up to pull in issued and granted patent status types. Also adjusted the display so that it references the correct issue vs application number and date.
- T-1081 Modifications to campaign record
- Create campaign reference numbers
- Add email section
- T-1304 Customer #3 – Fixed technology summaries not publishing to external site
- T-1343 Rename campaign report “Campaign to Technology”
- T-1105 Bug – Clicked “OK” when creating an invoice in demo and the page did not refresh
- T-1135 New invoice version “Authorization Details” requested by customer #2. Displays the information from the patent schedule for the related authorization code.
- T-1256 Display related groups and people in the line items search page
- T-1317 Customer #4 – Line items duplicated in account
- T-1352 Add new columns to invoices to capture the amount paid and the variance
- T-1206 Adding a new related parent group in groups doesn’t refresh the page and adds it as a child
- T-1336 Bug – Groups page: number of active license agreement count is displayed as 0, but there are lots that have active agreements
Legal Portal Authorization
- T-353 Customer #3 – Added “Amount Already Spent” column to display current patent expense spend in approve/decline page
- T-1306 Multiple line items displayed in authorization page
- T-1377 Instructed date can now be edited in the patent schedule
- T-1219 Manually added reimbursement line items are not being added properly in the status bar & there is no account drop-down to send the money to
- T-1263 On the accept payment start page, allow users to search the payee field by group reference number
- T-1264 Compliance items appearing in the list of non-invoice that are not in the agreement
- T-1267 Pre-populate the information from the revenue line item and line item description into the accept payment page when accepting a payment for a financial compliance invoice
- T-1268 Format the values entered in the accept payment field to be currency (include commas)
- T-1274 Bug – Clicking on create new account will not refresh the page
- T-1296 Include Reimbursement – Cost Sharing as an available account type to post a payment to in reimbursement page
- T-1297 Customer #3 testing – Line item description not displayed when accepting a non-invoice payment
- T-1298 Display payor country in the payments report
- T-1300 Bug – Clicked auto apply and the value entered went out multiple decimal places for some reason, value entered in the box was not equal to the balance due
- T-1301 Display the default revenue account for the agreement and technology/patent when the radio button is selected
- T-1302 Customer #3 testing – Cannot finalize a payment on the first attempt
- T-1303 Customer #3 testing – Invoice paid amount is not correct
- T-1314 Relabel field in reimbursement and revenue invoice search page “Invoice Status” where displayed as “Status”
- T-1315 Bug – Error messages during revenue accept payment that accounts are missing although they are selected
- T-1316 Bug – The text in the note field in the accept revenue page did not carry though to the summary page
- T-1318 Error messages not displayed in the status bar
- T-1319 Bug – Reimbursements: adding a new account not refreshing the page causing duplicate accounts to be created.
- T-1320 Bug – Error messages during reimbursement accept payment that accounts are missing although they are selected
- T-1327 Alphabetize the line item drop-down list in the accept payments pages
- T-1332 When accepting a payment for reimbursement, look at the invoice type to determine the account to create. If the invoice type is Reimbursement – Cost Sharing, create a Reimbursement – Cost Sharing account. If the invoice type is Reimbursement, create a Reimbursement account.
- T-1341 Font correction on the header row for the last page of the accept payment
- T-1345 Added a new compliance item that is not appearing in the drop-down when accepting a non-invoice payment (this requires the agreement to be removed and re-added in occurs while payment is in draft).
- T-1346 Payment split amounts are not correct. They should equal the sum of the payment and not be the same as the total payment.
- T-1347 Reimbursement payments – Only display the direct relationship to a technology or patent in the detail section, not both
- T-1348 Display balance due for line items
- T-1349 Remove reporting from the drop-down list for line items
- T-1354 Do not require a description for a payment to be finalized
- T-1355 Account Codes not showing on Summary
- T-1356 Non-invoice amount doubled
- T-1357 Non-invoice payments missing the payee
- T-1362 Clicking “Apply to Line Items” should add data to the boxes based on the balance due of line item
- T-1373 Capitalize words revenue and reimbursement in invoice search pages in accept payments
- T-1374 Invoice paid in full date not updated when the invoice was paid in full
- T-1190 Add veteran status field to the header of the people record
- T-1076 New report – Technology to Agreement
- T-1273 Cannot add “Inventor – Primary Contact” to a technology record in development
- T-1282 Customer #2 request for custom data pull
- T-1312 Bug – Customer #3 reported that technology summaries were not being published to the web
- T-1326 Add new technology workflow types for customer #3
- T-1136 Updates to Innovate website
- T-1272 Add Lab Distribution and Lab Payment accounts to demo site
- T-442 Add a new agreement type “Deposit” for all customers to manage agreements with organizations like ATCC, Jackson Labs, etc.
- T-446 Remove the distribution % column from Related Items – Licensed Technologies and Details – People
- T-1079 Add College and Department to the Executed Agreements report
- T-1092 Modifications to the agreement Pricing Comp Guide report as requested by customer #4
- T-1151 Add people and group reference numbers
- T-1192 Display compliance reference numbers in the reporting compliance section
- T-1196 Compliance numbers not displayed when items added in bulk
- T-1230 Added a new option for customer #4 to agreement deal source field
- T-1235 In the financial compliance section, display paid and variance in addition to the existing amount due field
- T-906 Increase the size limit of the files that can be uploaded to the deal records
- T-1113 Report that tracks the on-boarding of executive network participants used to report on the progress of adding new members and presenting technologies to them
- T-1123 Term sheets and business plans: date the business plan was received, date term sheet was sent, date of term sheet execution, date of term sheet expiration, upload of business plan & term sheet
- T-1125 Record new investments of capital raised by each start-up company for tracking the capitalization progress
- T-1127 Report that shows portfolio capitalization history and activity of that can provide data and statistics to interested stakeholders
- T-1133 Export funding summary into a report
- T-1161 Pipeline report
- T-1226 Technology matching report parent page that displays all of the groups listed out and a total of pending, active, and inactive users with hyperlinks to the technology-matching-report
- T-1270 Technology Matching Report: Add links to any technology or agreement reference number shown, display technologies on separate lines to clean it up, clean-Up parent report by using a table instead of collapse containers
- T-1279 Link to existing system from new groups page
- T-1212 Include agreements with a status of perpetual-managed or perpetual-not managed in the the Active License Agreements section for customer #4
- T-697 Bug – Linking some account types to a group from an agreement record does not actually link the account to the group
- T-1135 Modify invoice for customer #2 to display details from the patent scheduled
- T-1166 Invoices – Display the record created date and last update date in the header of the invoice record and allow this to be searched in the invoice search page
- T-1205 Update remit to bank information on invoices for customer #4
- T-1211 Law firm upload authorization showing no line items
- T-1214 Accepting revenue payments without an invoice: link to compliance via the compliance reference number, compliance status should be updated to complete if the amount paid equals the amount owed, compliance item should display and be connected to the non-invoice record, a line item should be created in the revenue account, non-invoice records should be marked as paid when the payment is posted
- T-1215 Clicked generate invoice and got an invalid URL
- T-1231 Bug – Invoices will not open in test site for customer #4
- T-1232 Bug – When a distributable item is manually marked as distributed it should not be displayed as an available item to distribute
- T-1240 Update all revenue line items as distributed prior to 8/31/2019 for customer #4
- T-1243 Bug – Generating an invoice that contains a lot of expense items for reimbursement is timing out
- T-1248 Two reimbursement invoice types are displayed in the invoice search page, relabel the newest to Reimbursement – Past
- T-1250 Remove agreement type Term Sheet from customer #4 agreement types
- T-1266 Bug – Clicking on the invoice from the line items search page does not open the correct page
- T-1269 Re-associate an accepted payment with a different invoice for customer #3
- T-1151 Add people and group reference numbers
- T-1168 Modify patent people report to display one row per person per patent
- T-446 Remove the distribution % column from Agreements – Related Technology Agreements
- T-1162 Line item type missing from the accept payment summary page and align data with the column headers
- T-1163 Display manually added invoice line items to allocate payments to in the revenue and reimbursement sections of the accept payment page
- T-1203 Bug – Update compliance item status to complete when the payment is accepted and the invoice related to the compliance item is marked as paid
- T-1216 Bug – Adding a reimbursement invoice adds two rows to the accept payments page
- T-1217 Auto Apply feature should populate fields with the same values as in the balance due field
- T-1218 Display full chart of accounts list when accepting a payment for a manually added line item
- T-1220 Bug – When clicking on accept a payment from an invoice, do not direct to the new accept payment page until it is released to production
- T-1234 When accepting a payment that is not related to an invoice, the assigned non-invoice reference number (NVN) should be in a sequential numbering format
- T-1239 Bug – Cannot delete a person from a technology record
- T-1246 Bug – Delay in page validation (error checking) when testing with customer #4
- T-1247 Invoice numbers should be added to the invoice field and not the historical invoice field when a payment line item is created
- T-1249 Bug – Error message “Undefined index: agreement_revenue_allocation_split” when accepting a non-invoice payment during testing with customer #4
- T-1260 When accepting a reimbursement payment, the expense line items are missing the date of work
- T-1261 Bug – When testing accepting a reimbursement payment with customer #3, existing reimbursement accounts that were related to the agreement and technology were not displayed in the dropdown list to select. Also, defaulted to display the account if it did exist so the user doesn’t have to select the account for each row.
- T-1262 Bug – When testing accepting a reimbursement payment with customer #3 an error message appeared when attempting to finalize the payment
- T-1271 Bug – Link to the line item detail page from the accept payment page is opening the wrong page
- T-446 Remove the distribution % column from Agreements – Agreements
- T-920 Technology summary displaying the same patents multiple times
- T-1151 Add people and group reference numbers
- T-856 Refresh development environment data
- T-1134 HR API documentation
- T-1144 Update logo on corporate site header and invoices
- T-1236 Update link for award submissions for customer #3
- T-1252 HR API
No updates this week
- T-1085 Renamed “Notes” in financial compliance input field to “Description”
- T-1195 Test slick and slick from campaign are not received
- T-1113 Track the progress of on-boarding an Entrepreneur Network so that I can review and report on the progress of adding new members and presenting technologies to them
- T-1117 Pipeline reporting
- T-1140 Evaluation report
- T-1187 Convert spreadsheet data into tables
- T-1130 Distributions account creation related to Firefox
- T-1173 Ordering by the compliance reference number in the invoice throws an error.
- T-1175 Bug Fix – Distributed items showing up to distribute
- T-1183 Generate invoices page is not pulling over financial compliance items to include on the invoices
- T-1186 Revenue line items displayed more than once in the accounts
- T-1197 Correct spelling of “Distribuion Reference Number” in advanced search filters within the Completed Distributions report
- T-1198 Bug Fix – Move Line Items not working, also multiple accounts displayed when there is only one
- T-1200 Customer #2 reported that their groups were missing when equity module data was loaded
- T-1099 Bug Fix – Apply to line items not working
- T-1163 Ability to accept payments for manually added invoice line items
- T-1177 Innovator- External person-technology type is grouped incorrectly, should be in the Innovator (Inventor) section