
In this release, we have updated several report links and added some new functionality to make finding and using data easier and more efficient. We continue to emphasize efficiencies for remote teams and thank you for your support and feedback on how to improve our platform.


T-2544: Adjusted search functionality to allow reporting on Campaign workflows by Primary College

T-2605: Corrected deleted status of Campaign workflows for cleaner reporting


T-2499/2151: Corrected information on invoice for Customer #3


T-2551/2595: Adjusted Invention Disclosure and Footer for Customer #2

Multiple: Updated the following report links: Patent Reimbursement Variance; Line Item Variance; Expense

T-2568: Added IP Coordinator as a role that is searchable on Technologies

T-2004: Fixed bug in Notes for Start-up Pipeline

Multiple: Introduced iFrames to manage stored emails with links and images

T-2622: Fixed bug in Categories hierarchy to allow multiple levels


T-2472: Added “Number of Active License Agreements” to the Patent Schedule Report as a searchable field

T-2482: Added “Matter ID Number” to the header and Law Firm group entry on Patent record and made it a searchable field