
In this release, we continued to work on many “behind-the-scenes” issues to make Innovate IP more robust and reliable. In addition, we continue to review our pipeline to ensure that the development work we release is prioritized to respond to the current pandemic situation and most responsive to customers’ needs adapting to remote working situations.

T-2047: Added a “Delete” button to the Start-up Pipeline to remove Technologies

T-2057: Added Group type of “Laboratory- Ours”

T-2087: addressed MySQL error for Customer #1 related to LEDES files uploads



In this release, we added a significant number of “behind-the-scenes” improvements that are not individually identified below. These upgrades will increase the reliability and usability of the platform to help our customers be more efficient. As our customer teams respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and adjust to working from home, we are working on ways to improve the experience of using Innovate IP. Please continue to let us know how we can help make your team more effective and efficient.

T-1924: Refresh of pivot table data has been updated.

T-2016: The country list for patent filings has been expanded to include Canadian provinces.

T-2043: Adding a Note to a Pipeline card saves the note in the record.

T-2058: Corrected a missing date field in the online disclosure module.

T-2061: Search feature used to find a Technology based on Company search criteria has been updated.