What’s New In This Release
In our previous release, we introduced the Distributions Module and greatly appreciate all of the user feedback. We’ve cleaned up some bugs and added some new functionality to this most recent release. Users should notice better performance and easier to read interfaces– particularly in our Distributions Module. In addition, we are working through other areas of the platform to address bugs that folks have reported. Take a look below for details of the new updates and let us know if you have any questions.
Distribution Reports
- Should all have links if they have a reference number or schedule reference number
- Number Formatting – commas in reports
- Distribution Aging – Added limits to returned values
- Distributions Reconciliation Report – Journal date is now date field
- Selected revenue total now displayed
- Account types are now displayed
- Choosing different revenue than that which was originally selected updates the waterfall
- Number formatting – should only display 2 decimal places in completed distribution
Distribution Schedule
- Import from IDF button relabeled “Import People and Groups from Technology”
- Active distribution schedules – clicking deactivate displays error message asking if the user wants to “deactivate” the schedule, previously said “delete”
Technology Record
- NERF & Encumbrance – Fixed issue where clicking buttons for nerf and encumbrance would add an item that is nerf’d but unchecking it would not remove the checkbox. The other actions in the notes section were correct, but checkbox display was not.
- Workflow – Includes primary inventor and technology manager
- Fixed – Edit People Record Changes Base Security Level
- Invoicing, Customer Statements – Aged buckets should be correct and the values are not displayed combined
- Reimbursement Schedule – Can now add a note