Helping to make Technology Transfer efficient and effective.
T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
T-1468 Recalculate campaign statistics hourly
T-1469 Campaign Search – Change search options for primary college to check boxes
T-1370 Send IIP keyword list to customer #2 for review
T-1396 Separate “Validation” and “Impact”
T-1399 Make keywords editable with an entry and removal for keywords
T-1400 Group record dates – add “Removed from Portfolio”
T-1401 Group record dates – add “added to startup portfolio date” and “removed from startup portfolio date”
T-1402 Startup pipeline report – Export to Excel feature with one row per startup/tech combination or decompresses it into one row per grouping
T-1411 New security level that removes access for anyone outside of the date ranges
T-1413 Technology matching – page re-arrange the columns
T-1414 Technology matching report – displays the technologies and who is evaluating the technology
T-1489 Rename the Technology Matching report and all components and factories related to the report to Technology Interest report to make room for the new Technology Matching Report
T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”in invoice record
T-1438 Distributions bug – Importing people into a distribution schedule no longer works
T-1443 Variance columnrelabeled to display which columns are used to calculate the variance
T-1444 Distribution Aging – Distributed column should be a sum of the distribution line items in distribution accounts that have a journal date. Also add in a remaining to be paid amount which is the line items in distribution accounts that do not have a journal date.
T-1460 Make line item reference numbers unique
T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
T-1439 Change group status list to use groups status instead of the user status list
T-1515 Groups that were deleted with the with the wrong delete status were inadvertently linked to records (technologies, agreements)
T-761 Added legal portal training documentation to the user guide for the law firms
T-980 Provide test site URL and log-ins for customer #2
T-1388 Remove x-(do not use) from customer #4’s list of system types
T-1415 Fix CSS on some of the reports when class CSS was removed
T-1433 Uploaded invoices not appearing in legal portal to approve for customer #4
T-1498 Increased disk space for customer #2 due the reported issue that they couldn’t upload agreements to records in contracts
T-1499 Increased disk space for customer #2 due the reported issue that users were unable to log-in
T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
T-1448 Allocation schedule not displayed in non-invoiced although it exists
T-1455 Paid column not updated for Financial Compliance – Revenue invoices upon finalizing a payment
T-1464 Bug – Accepting a payment and there is an error message “remaining amount does not equal 0” that appears until add .00 to the end of the amount field that creates line items and click save
T-1524 Customer#4 Accept Payment Bug – Unexpected data found
T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
T-1201 Rename Inventor to Innovator in technology record and harmonize type lists for all customers
Innovator – Primary, Internal = 498
Innovator – Internal = 259
Innovator – External = 835
Submitted By
Verified By
Retire (Research- External) 3598 after moving all 3598 to 835
Retire (Innovator – External) 3651 after moving all to 835
T-1207 Relabel workflow “Note” field to “Description”
T-1209 Relabel To-Do “Note” field to “Description”
T-1424 Customer #3 could not convert and IDF to a technology record, 8895 error
T-1440 Update Technology People Report – allow for searches on all people groupings in the technology record
T-1467 Bug – IDF Contribution % must be a whole number, now allows for 2 decimal places